Monday, July 27, 2009

What Is the Definition of a Friend and Friendship

One thing that makes being a human being so interesting is the fact that not one of us is exactly alike. We all have our own likes and dislikes, needs and desires. We also have our own unique idea of what a friend is, what a friend does, and what a friend definitely does not do.

Define A Friend

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary says that a friend is “one attached to another by affection or esteem”. I'm sure you'll agree with that definition, but there is so much more to add to it if you want to find friends that you can have a long lasting, mutually beneficial, relationship with.

My own definition of a friend is a female or male that I can talk to about anything at anytime. Communication is very important to me, so I like to have friends that I enjoy conversing with whether in person, on the phone, or via e-mail. A friend must be trustworthy and honest. After all, if I'm going to share most of my inner most thoughts and secrets with someone, she has to know how to keep a confidence, and not exploit my weaknesses. He cannot be a habitual liar, something I detest, and should not be closed-minded, but enjoy trying new things. I prefer a non-smoker who drinks in moderation.

Of course, the definition I just gave is my short version; I could go on for pages and pages, but you now have an idea of what I mean by writing a definition of a friend.

Use Your Present Friends As a Example.

A good way for you to figure out what to put in your definition of a friend is to take a good look at your present friends. What do you like about them the most? What is it about that person that makes you want to spend your time with him or her? What are some of the qualities that he or she has that you could do without?

Sometimes there is no easily definable reason you like someone. You just do, plain and simple. Well, that’s okay too. Just add to your definition, I just have to like her, no real reason required.

Don't Be Inflexible

Of course the likelihood of you finding one person that perfectly matches your definition exactly is about as likely as finding a sugar substitute that really tastes like sugar, so be flexible. This definition just gives you a broad idea of what you're looking for, and what to avoid. For example, one of my best friends is a chain smoker who has two “hollow legs”, but I love her anyway.

Now sit down and write your own definition of what a friend is. Once you have your wishes and desires down on paper, it will make the task of finding new friends all the more easier.

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