Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Navratra: A Glimpse of Indian Culture

Navratra is celebrated each year and the name signifies ‘nine days’ of the festival. This story begins with fifteen years of Lord Ram’s exile that ends up with a war with Ravana. It is believed that this war lasted for nine days and on the tenth day of war, Ram won by killing Ravana. On Dussehra, huge models of Ravana are exploded with fire crackers. People start reading Ramayana with the aim of completing it in nine days.

It is believed that celebration of Navratra is of symbolic importance as it is considered to be a celebration of good over evil. During Navratra days, people perform a special dance known as ‘Garbha’. It is popular folk dance of Gujarat. The ethnic dress code in Garba is chania choli for females and male’s dress code is dhoti-kurta. This garba dance in done through out Navratra days. The other form of folk dance that is played during this festive day is Dandia or stick dance. Dandia dance is done holding sticks in hand and these sticks are used in a rhythmic manner.

Thus, Navratra is a pious and sacred nine days festival where people spend days in devotion and religious activities.