Monday, July 27, 2009

First, you should know Know “Thyself”

What does knowing “thyself” have to do with finding friends? Well, before you can start your quest for new friends, you have to know what type of friends will be compatible with you. That means you need to get to know the “real” you.

Coming to grips with who you really are takes some soul searching. Here are some questions to get you on your way:

What Kind of Person Am I?

Are you a morning person, or do you come alive when the sun goes down? Do you love to gossip, or are all secrets safe with you and expect everyone else to be the same? Are you habitually late, or always ten minutes early? Do you exercise religiously, or are you a master couch potato? Do you freak if a picture on your wall is a hair off center, or is your house a perfect simulation of a tornado strike?

Everything mentioned above has a bearing on what type of friend you would be compatible with. Write a brief bio on what kind of person you are, making note of your temperament, foibles, likes and dislikes. What do you like about yourself the most? What would you change?

Take your time and ponder on it for several days. If you get stuck, ask a family member whose opinion you value or one of your present friends who you really trust. Once you know who you are, it is easier to find the type of friend you can establish a lasting relationship with.

What Do You Do With Your Spare Time?

Do you own a parachute or two? Do you love to knit so much that you, your family, and your neighbors have more sweaters than any of you can possibly wear? Do you golf every weekend, weather permitting or not? Have you ever spent three consecutive hours talking on the phone with a friend? Did you see every film nominated for an academy award in 2002? Then you are serious about your favorite pastime!

Make a list of all your favorite pastimes and hobbies, no matter how mundane it may seem. Make a list of a new hobby or pastime that you would love to try. Then decide which ones you prefer to do alone, and which ones you would love to have a friend participate in.

Basing friendships around activities is a great way to establish instant rapport, as well as create amble opportunities to have shared experiences, which are a keystone of a long lasting friendship.

In Conclusion...

The benefits of having good friendships are enormous, so take the time to get to know yourself well. List your favorite pastimes, as well as the pastimes you would like to try in the future. Decide which ones you'd like to share with a friend. Once you are done, you will be well on your way to making new friends and having fun.

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