Non-Judgmental: A true friend will never judge you. They will stand by you no matter what you believe or what you do. They may not agree with you, but they respect your right to make your own mistakes, have your own opinions, and walk the path you choose.
Compassion: A true friend will be the first person to offer you a supporting hand when you fall. They won't question whether the situation was your own making, they will just help you put things right again. They won't dismiss your sorrow at losing a pet, or your distress at your favourite team losing, as being non-important. They will know that it is important to you, and that's all that matters.
Listening: A true friend knows how to listen. Really listen, without feeling the need to talk and turn the conversation focus onto them. They will hear what you say and will be able to let you get your feelings out in the open without interruption.
Trust: A true friend will give you a safe place to be yourself. What you say or do will not be repeated by them to anyone else.
Encouraging: A true friend will help you find your dreams. They will explore your life and help you move towards what you really want in life.
Respect: A true friend will respect who you are. They won't expect you to change or do things different just to please them. They will embrace the differences between you as much as similarities.
Fearless: A true friend will tell you what you need to know! This isn't always easy to do, but a true friend will be tough enough to give you a push when needed.
Unconditional love and friendship: A true friend will stand by you through everything in your life. They might need some explanation of why you do something, they may try and advise you for or against some action, but they will always respect your right to choose your own path and will support your choices. They will guard your secrets and support your dreams; in bad times they will pick you up and dust you off when you fall, and then when times are good they will celebrate your success as if it were their own. They will never seek anything in return for their friendship nor will they place restrictions on it. A true friendship is completely unconditional.
So how do you rate as a true friend? How many of these attributes do you see in your own friends? If you have someone in your life who has all of these qualities, then you have one of the most prized of life's gems - a true friend.
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